based on Thomas Luft's Ivy Generator
 grow ivy's on any model in your 3dsmax-scene,
 good for hiding imperfections on your models

 v2.0 for 3ds Max 2020 up to 3ds Max 2025
 last update: 29.03.24
 Mesh Link
 A procedural object for loading single files or file-sequences using supported importers
 (for now OBJ and PLY, see gw::PlyImp).
 You can also load an "Object-File-List" (*.ofl), this files are similar to Image File Lists (*.ifl)

 Included is a slightly improved obj-importer.
 This is the same importer which comes with 3dsmax, but with some minor bug-fixes,
 speed-improvements, vetexcolor-import and a redesigned importer-dialog.

 v1.0 for 3ds Max 2020 up to 3ds Max 2025
 last update: 29.03.2024
 Cache Modifier
 This Modifier allows you to store the the current status of modifier-stack.
 Basically you can collapse the modifier-stack while keeping the history of the stack.

 v1.1 for 3ds Max 2014 up to 3ds Max 2025
 last update: 29.03.2024
 PLY-file Importer/Exporter
 imports scanned high resolution data including vertex colors, materials, uv's and textures
 version 1.42 adds a PLY-Exporter and support for Physical Materials
                    and supports Autodesk's Plugin Package format (see readme.txt in zip-file)

 v1.42 for 3ds Max 2017 up to 3ds Max 2025
 last update: 29.03.24

 Terragen importer
 imports Terragen terrains, camera/sun/render-settings
 100% match of a tg-render with MAX/XSI camera view
 don't use curved terrains, they won't match exactly (needs to be fixed)

 v0.75b for 3ds Max 7 up to 3ds Max 2010 x64, SoftImage|XSI 5.x (v.07b) <-- update canceled
 last update: 07.08.09

 export to ZBrush-reimport to 3ds Max, export as obj, and again and again, and...
 then you possibly end up with wrong uvs (which is NOT the expoters fault btw.)

 This small utility tries to fix that issue, when you got stuck with messed up UV's.

 <--- the download is over there, just above the donate-button :)

 for 3ds Max 2015 and 1016
 last update: 01.10.2015
 a interactive terrain generator, far from being finished...
 it exports terragen-terrains, normalmaps and tga-files
 you can also generate seamless procedural textures, but that was not my intention :)
